Loops De La Creme Zildjian Avedis Rolls KONTAKT [FREE]


Zildjian Avedis ROLLS is a straightforward instrument that lets you play cymbal rolls with your keyboard and control the intensity of the roll with your mod wheel.

The instrument was not included in CYMBAL ROLLS, but over the years I kept using it quite often: I was always enjoying its simplicity and smooth sound, and I regularly did small tweaks to the programming and effects to refine and improve the rolls. I’m really happy to share it with you now as part of the Top-Ten Survey, and I hope you will enjoy the sound and find it useful for your music!’’ Julien Tauban


One Kontakt monolith file
Total size uncompressed: 19MB
Full Kontakt 5.8+ required!


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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