Lese Sweep (Infinity Filter) v1.3.5 VST3 AU AAX Windows MacOS [FREE]


Sweep is what started it all.
What started as a Max Patch in 2018 eventually turned into this (and is Lese’s first ever plugin). Utilizing the same algorithms that sound designers use to create shephard tones / risset filters, Sweep uses a bunch of filters to make your sound feel like it’s rising (or falling) endlessly.
In Sweep’s case, the left and right channels can be split and controlled separately for a more complex, stereo aware sweeping effect.

Intuitive Control
Instead of controlling how the filters behave over the frequency spectrum with a bunch of complicated controls, Sweep keeps it simple; Drag the “factor” handles like you would with a graphical EQ, and the filterbank will follow the curve it makes.

Random is cool
Sweep has a smooth random noise generator built-in that can nudge the filters a bit higher or lower depending on how the noise is feeling at that moment. Change the Phase knob to adjust what kind of action occurs where, and increase the Complexity value to bring the random movement from slow and subtle to fast and complex.

Don’t want to read Sweep’s manual? That’s fine; Check out this longer video for a more in-depth look into Sweep’s controls & concepts:

More Features:
Curve-based band amplitude control
Optimized peak / notch filter array DSP (up to 16 bands per channel)
Distribution function, allowing for linear distribution of bands
Fractal noise-based frequency randomization system
Vectorized, resizable interface

System Requirements:
Windows: Supports VST3 & AAX
MacOS: Supports VST3, AU & AAX (Intel and ARM)


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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