Sky Blue EQ4 is maag-like tone shaping eq.
Runs in double precision 64-bit internal processing. Also double precision input / output if supported.
Internal sample rated fixed at 192/176.2kHz in 48/44.1kHz, 96/88.1kHz, 192/176.2kHz sample rates.
It does run under 44.1kHz, but may have some EQ curve cramping.
At 48/44.1kHz – x4 oversampling is on with 24 sample latency, and at 96/88.1kHz – x2 oversampling is on with 12 sample latency.
How to use
Unzip from latest release and copy to „C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3“.MacOS(Intel tested, Apple Silicon not tested).
Unzip from latest release and copy vst3 to „/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3“ and component to „/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components“.If it doesn’t go well, configure security options in console as