JX220 by Jxplugins x86 vsti windows free download


JX220 analog synth.

  • Oscillator with variable waveform
  • SubOscillator
  • 2 Pole resonant
  • Low Passdigital
  • IIR filter
  • LFO Sine Wave, Range 1-10 Hz
  • Unison
  • Full midi control
  • 8 Polyphonic channels
  • 128 presets and 140 programs per synth

Editor’s note:
Was one of the standard plug-ins in Cubase SX 1/2 and 3 at the time, around 2001-2004.

No longer available


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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