JP Cimalando ADLplug (FM Chip Synthesizer) v1.0.2 vsti lv2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Synthesizer plugin for ADLMIDI and OPNMIDI (VSTI/LV2)
This software package provides FM synthesizer plugins, based on OPL3 and OPN2 sound chip emulations.
The emulations and the drivers are provided by libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI.

control of multiple YMF262/YM2612 emulated chips
high fidelity emulation, with choice of compromise level (good fidelity/fast, excellent fidelity/slow)
synthesis of melodic and percussive instruments
extensible polyphony
bundled collection of instruments
support for dynamic parameterization and automation
rigorous implementation of the MIDI standard
multi-channel operation with General MIDI compatibility
ability to synthesize entire MIDI files out of the box

Author: Jean Pierre Cimalando
Contributors: Olivier Humbert, Christopher Arndt, Bruce Sutherland, David Runge, Jérémy Frey

User manual :

Bank editor software:


FM core characteristics
JP Cimalando ADLplug (FM Chip Synthesizer) v1.0.2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE] screenshot

JP Cimalando ADLplug (FM Chip Synthesizer) v1.0.2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE] screenshot

Change Log


Fixed state reloading under certain plugin hosts
Linked to pthread on platforms where relevant
Fixed the user interface using 100% CPU on Windows




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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