J74 FreeCode pack by J74


J74 FreeCode pack by J74 is a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. It functions as a Standalone Application.

The J74 FreeCode pack is a set of MIDI and Audio devices with new and selected functions from the J74 repertoire. Among the tools it includes the ChordExplorerLight, a MIDI chord generator which can be controlled and sequenced by MIDI input, the PhaseVoCoder, an eight voice phase vocoder with built in filter, LFO/spread and Drive and the Eighty-Four-Chorus a stereo chorus effect inspired by the ones used on 80s synthesizers.

Included in the pack:

J74 ChordExplorerLight [MIDI] – Chord-set harmonically constructed from a selected scale
– 35 Chords (diatonic to the scale)
– MIDI mappable
– MIDI sequentiable
– Derived from the J74 Progressive/J74 Bassline toolsets
– New functions: Hold mode.

J74-PhaseVoCoder [Instrument/AudioFX] – Eight voice Phase Vocoder with built in filter, LFO/spread and Drive
– Derived from the J74 PitchControl toolset
– New functions: Envelope, LFO and Drive.

J74 Eighty-Four-Chorus [AudioFX] – Stereo Chorus effect inspired by 80s synths
– Derived from the J74 Venus6 toolset
– New functions: Rate, Depth and Dry/Wet.




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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