Ink Audio Harmonica Kontakt [FREE]


Ink harmonica  is a free harmonica chord library for Kontakt.

It’s inspired by the sound of singer songwriters playing a harmonica in a neck holder. It’s messy, loose and human.

How it works:

Use the red key switches in Kontakt to switch between twelve keys. Once you’re in a key, the white keys on your keyboard play blow notes and the black keys play draw notes up the range of a harmonica.

There are three articulations:

Straight (C1-B1)
Trill (C2-B2)
Rip Up (C3-B3)
There is a second patch for Tremolo Harmonica also, which is more folk sounding than a blues harp. It has two reeds per note and sounds fuller.

Controls for attack, decay, release, filter, tape saturation and room reverb.

What you need;

A full version of Kontakt 6.7.1 or up (not Kontakt Player)
504.7 mb of space on your computer or hard drive

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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

2 Kommentare:

  1. I’m a harmonica player. And I even have a midi harmonica. I find the sound of this patch to be quite realistic. Congrats! Not sure I have any need to sound like Bob Dylan on a midi harp, but if I ever do, this is the patch I’ll use!

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