Inear Display Bref v1.0.0 x64 VSTi3 AU Windows macOS [FREE]


Random Percussion Synthesizer

Bref, a compact synthesizer plugin, specializes in creating synthetic percussion sounds.

Utilizing a modified version of Ephemere’s synthesis engine, Bref effortlessly produces a vast array of short, crisp metallic sounds.

The workflow of Bref is streamlined and intuitive:
– The plugin randomly generates a pair of sounds on startup.
– Trigger it with a MIDI note (the sound has a fixed pitch, making it easy to use the plugin inside drum racks for example).
– You can blend the sounds together using the MORPH knob (automating this knob can yield dynamic and interesting results).
– You can regenerate each sound individually by clicking on the A and B buttons.
– You can also regenerate the whole state of the plugin by clicking the dice button at the bottom.
– There is no preset system, but the state of the plugin is saved when you save a project in your host.
– The user interface can be resized by dragging the handle

2 Percussion Synthesis Engines based on Ephemere
Crossfade Between the 2 Engines
Generate New Sounds by Randomization of Each Engine
Randomize Both Engines and the Morph Control at Once
Output Amplitude Control
Responds to MIDI velocity
4 Voices of Polyphony
Resizable User Interface

Available as VST3 and Audio Unit for macOS (Intel or ARM) and Windows (64 bit only).

macOS 10.13 or higher

Windows 10 or higher



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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