ImpulseLoaderStereo Reverb Plugin by brummer lv2 windows linux free

ImpulseLoaderStereo is a simple, stereo, IR-File loader/convolution LV2 plug.

This release implement easier File switching. It’s now possible to switch the selected files via mouse wheel, via mouse button click and via keyboard up/down keys. Right mouse button click will pop up the file-list and allow to select a file directly.
Also, it implement lighter CPU usage for convolution (IR-File), on non power-of-two buffer sizes, by using the multi threaded FFTConvolver engine. Beside that the GUI was a bit overworked.

IR-Files could be loaded via the integrated File Browser, or, when supported by the host, via drag and drop.

A pop up menu provide quick access to all IR Files in the current loaded Path,

If the IR-File have only 1 channel, it will be copied to the second channel.

If the IR-File have more the 2 channels, only the first 2 channels will be loaded.

IR-Files will be resampled on the fly to match the session Sample Rate.




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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