Homage Poly Synth 2 Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Plugin by JWP VSTI3 Windows Free


The JWP Homage Line Poly Synth 2 is built upon the foundation of its predecessor, this dual oscillator subtractive synthesizer introduces alternate features and functionality to meet the demands of modern music production.

Version 2 Features

  • Two LFOs: For an extra dimension of modulation.
  • Overdrive Distortion: Drive your sound for that signature edge to make it stand out.
  • Note-Based Tuning: Expanding the tone giving you the freedom to harmonize.
  • Sync LFO 2 to LFO 1: Allowing for a dynamic interplay of rhythmic modulation.

Common Options

  • LFO: Trigger sync for polyphonic mode, or free running monophonic, and phase start offset.
  • Pulse waveform vertical balance for all generators keeping the signal symmetrical to avoid creating DC offset.
  • Key-tracking.
  • Exponential key-tracking setting to retain original algorithm.

Experience the intuitive interface of the JWP Homage Line Poly Synth 2, and elevate your sound design to new heights. Explore its capabilities today and transform your musical creations.


JWP Deployment Series Installer

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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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