FX Mechanics Plugins v10.2024 bundle VST3 VSTI3 Windows Linux [FREE]

BiRR (Binaural Room Reverb)
FX Mechanics Plugins v10.2024 WiN Linux [FREE] screenshotBiRR (Binaural Room Reverb) is a parallelepipedic room acoustic simulator. The dimensions (x,y,z) of the room can be adjusted, as well as the source and listener positions. The generated stereo output can simulate different microphone positions (XY, MS, with different angles), or a binaural receiver.

There is also a 2D version of the reverberator that simulates a virtual flat rectangular space, which produces a less dense reverberated sound. Calculations are faster though.

Each version come in two flavors: a mono input version and a stereo input version. For the stereo in version, the left and right inputs can be moved individually in space.

FX Mechanics Plugins v10.2024 WiN Linux [FREE] screenshotStrinGO is a virtual instrument based on coupled waveguide models. These waveguides can be excited by four kinds of exciters: an external input, a basic waveform oscillator, a white noise and a crackling sound generator.

Triple Dist
FX Mechanics Plugins v10.2024 WiN Linux [FREE] screenshotFilter/distorsion plugin. The signal is separated into three frequency bands (low, mid, high) thanks to a state variable filter. Each band is then distorded and panned separately, and then signal are mmixed. This creates interesting spatialization effects when cutoff frequency is varied.

FX Mechanics Plugins v10.2024 WiN Linux [FREE] screenshotMoTo (Monitoring Tool) is an effect tool that aims to be placed after the master track in daw in order to mimic harwarde monitoring controlers. It allows to select betwen four stereo outputs, has mute/dim/solo buttons. It was designed to with Reaper in mind be should be also useful in other daws.

FX Mechanics Plugins v10.2024 WiN Linux [FREE] screenshotPiWheeG (Pitch Wheel Gate) is a midi effect plugin that fixes a problem that occurs with some hardware midi keyboards whose pitch wheel doesn’t go back to zero.




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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