fircomp by Jon V Audio


fircomp is a clean compressor with punchy attack, musical release, and optional lookahead smoothing.
For tracks or busses. Zero/low latency and low CPU. Warm distortion at extreme settings.
  • Simple UI and fast workflow.
  • Attack stage tuned for punch. True zero attack (same-sample) when 0.0 ms is selected.
  • Dual parallel release stage with musical, highly program-dependent behaviour. Avoids needing to use multiple compressors in series!
  • Easy sidechain filtering options for common mixing situations.
  • Optional smooth digital FIR lookahead gain smoothing with perfect timing and no artefacts, resulting in the minimum possible distortion.
  • Low CPU DSP code written in a mix of C++ and SSE intrinsics. Insert on every track without a second thought!
  • Zero latency with lookahead off. With lookahead on, compensated latency of 64, 128, or 256 samples depending on sample rate (approximately 1.3 to 1.5 ms)





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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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