Fallout Music Group Shelter Series Randonspiel Kontakt [FREE]


Randonspiel is a quirky, unique instrument based on the sampling of Randon’s travel glockenspiel. The instrument was sampled with 4 velocity layers across the entire range (2.5 octaves). Then the bottom half was unnaturally extended to five a full, playable range with some strange and unique sounds in the lower registers.

To take it a step further, the instrument was then morphed in 4 different ways for each of the 4 velocity layers, giving 4 different characters and sounds to the instrument. The 4 different layers are then blended to your wishes using an XY controller.

Further customizations are available with the onboard FX, including distortion, ac box/tremelo, filters, delay and convolution reverb.

Shelter Series Randonspiel features include:

Randon’s travel glockenspiel sampled at 4 velocity layers 4 times with different processing
XY pad to blend between the 4 flavors of glockenspiel recordings
Global FX, including high and low pass filters, delay reverb, distortion and AC Box (Tremolo)
ADSR controls
All sources recorded at 24bit, 48k quality

Full version of Kontakt 5.8+ Required.

Requires 1 GB Disk Space


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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