Ewan Bristow Florah(LITE) v1.2 VST3, LV2, CLAP AU Plugdata Patch FREE


Florah LITE – A free alternative to trackspacer, and the free version of Florah

After experimenting with DynamicEQs/Dynamic Resonance supressors, i decided to make my own, using ONLY plugdata.

This spectral processing plugdata unit is best described as being a „Multiband Compressor“ , capable of tackling your annoying frequencies and bringing your sounds/mix to an equilibrium. It also happens to be the perfect tool for sidechain. Push this to the limits for some super interesting spectral sound design.

Runs as VST3, LV2, CLAP or AU using Plugdata


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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