Envelop Sound Envelop For Live v12.0.5 (Tools For Ambisonic 3D Panning) M4L Devices AMXD [FREE]

E4L (Envelop for Live) is an open-source spatial audio production toolkit that allows artists to produce and perform unforgettable events in Envelop listening spaces, or explore their own DIY projects. E4L operates within Ableton Live Suite (10-11+) and is designed to be a flexible platform for artists to compose with immersive sound. E4L’s modular design also allows developers to create unique audio effects for the Ambisonics domain.

The nonprofit mission of Envelop is to connect and inspire community through immersive listening. Our listening spaces envelop the audience in pristine 3D sound, amplifying the power of music and nurturing our ability to listen together.

E4L takes significant time and resources to develop and maintain, but we share it for free, relying on your donations to keep it alive. We believe access to creativity should not be gated solely by large corporations, so we’ve built a collective cornerstone for the future of immersive music.

Getting Started
E4L makes use of the advanced routing capabilities in Live 11 and Max for Live. Before continuing, make sure that you have installed both of these programs. E4L is tested running with the bundled version of Max (version 8.5.5 as of Live 11.3.11), running in native mode (not via Rosetta).

Please note that E4L is not officially supported on Windows. Max for Live is technically cross-platform, but some Windows users have reported issues with sporadic crashing and project corruption. We recommend working with macOS if possible. If experimenting with Windows, we encourage making regular backups and copies of project files.

For Users: Download
Download the latest release →
Unzip the file and place the Envelop for Live folder in a good location on your hard drive
For easy access, you may wish to bookmark the Envelop for Live folder in the Places section of Ableton Live. Do this by dragging and dropping the folder, or using the „Add Folder…“ button.

Create the E4L Master Bus
Create a new audio track. Add one of the E4L Master Bus device to this track. Note that the track will automatically be renamed to „E4L Master.“ It is recommended to leave this track name in place, though you may optionally rename it. This track and device will act as a receiver for Ambisonics audio, and allow you to monitor the output of a decoder.

Envelop Sound Envelop For Live v12.0.5 (Tools For Ambisonic 3D Panning) M4L Devices AMXD [FREE] screenshot
By default, the E4L Master Bus device will use a Binaural decoder, which enables you to preview your spatial mix on a pair of headphones. Make sure that the Monitor 1+2 switch is engaged. Input meters on the E4L Master Bus device provide a visual reference for whether the device is receiving input.

Add Source Tracks

Now, create a new audio or instrument track. In the track’s effect chain, add the E4L Source Panner device. This device takes a stereo input and encodes it into 16 channels of high order ambisonics. This device automatically detects the master bus and uses Max for Live’s routing capabilities to send its output to the E4L Master Bus.

Envelop Sound Envelop For Live v12.0.5 (Tools For Ambisonic 3D Panning) M4L Devices AMXD [FREE] screenshot
Note that by default, adding this device automatically sets the track’s audio output routing to Sends Only. This is because E4L is already routing the Ambisonics-domain audio behind the scenes. Sending the stereo output from this track would result in two overlapping copies of the audio. For advanced use cases, you may override this setting and route the track output elsewhere (keep in mind that the track output sends only the stereo signal, not the 16-channel surround encoding).

Repeat this process to build up your surround mix. You may use as many E4L Source Panner devices as you like, on as many tracks as your CPU can handle.

Envelop for Live Devices
More detailed manuals are available for each of the devices.

E4L Core

E4L Master Bus
E4L Export Utility
E4L Aux Send and Return
Panners + Panners

E4L Mono Panner
E4L Stereo Panner
E4L Quad Panner
E4L Multi-Panner
E4L Omni Panner
E4L Source Panner
E4L Spinner
E4L B-Format Sampler
Delay + Reverb Effects

E4L B-Format Convolution Reverb
E4L Multi-Delay
E4L Brownian Delay
E4L Delay Boids
HOA Utilities and Effects

E4L Spatial Slicer
E4L HOA Transform
E4L HOA Scope
E4L Meter
3OA VST/AU Plugin Adapters

E4L 3OA Plugin Instrument
E4L 3OA Plugin Effect Send and Return
Legacy Devices (currently unsupported on Apple Silicon)

E4L AuraVerb

More information about E4L devices:





Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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