Dumpster by Reflekt Audio

Dumpster by Reflekt Audio

Have you ever wanted to use a dumpster in your music?

Some of you probably already have but not like this.

Reflekt Audio & The Sound Of Machines teamed up to bring music makers across the globe a very unique tool for the taking.

We present you all with Dumpster.

The name is pretty much spot on and is exactly what it is.

I saw The Sounds Of Machines on his instagram recording a dumpster and as I was consuming his content this idea came to my mind and the rest was history.

What makes this plug-in rare and unique is the obvious dumpster drum type sounds as well as the round robin capabilities Dumpster offers.

The round robins give the user a realistic feel and sound as if the user was playing and beating on a dumpster with their very hands in real life.

Dumpster has some dope kick type dumpster hits, we have an array of percussive dumpster hits, and even some playable tinks from the dumpster.

With the onboard parameters it will be easy and painless for anyone to dial in the sound to something more suitable per taste.

I also drew in that wild style graffiti piece by hand that is on the dumpster GUI, while The Sound Of Machines assisted with the skin design as well.

Dumpster is a no brainer for anyone who is looking for these sort of sounds or even if you’re simply looking for some inspiration, Dumpster is where it’s at.

Not to mention it’s free right now.

  • Windows/Mac Compatible.
  • Works In Most Major D.A.W.S.
  • (Excluding Pro Tools).
  • Mac Zipped File Size: 76.1 MB.
  • Mac Unzipped File Size: 136 MB.
  • Windows Zipped File Size: 67.7 MB.
  • Windows Unzipped File Size: 97.9MB.
  • 7 Play-able Dumpster Sounds & Articulations.
  • Dumpster Hits-1.
  • Dumpster Hits-2.
  • Dumpster Hits-3.
  • Dumpster Kick.
  • Dumpster Kit.
  • Dumpster Tinks.
  • Playable Tink.




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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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