dualReverseDelay by Saschart


dualReverseDelay is a dual plugin both as two sets of knobs (one per channel) and as two directions:  reverse and forward.

  • Two sets of knobs (one per channel).
  • Stereo enhanced by offset.
  • Button to change the direction of delay: reverse and forward.
  • Toggle Lowpass filter from left to right – nice effect, can balance frequencies on stereo channels.
  • Toggle direction of delay from reverse to forward  – unique feature on the delay area. This can produce amazing effects
  • Host sync delay rate and free time rate.
  • Rich rates: triplet and dotted.
  • Ping pong made by offsets.




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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