Drumsynth (Port) by cz-10xv x86 VSTI Windows rare free download


  • Additive Drum Synthesizer
  • Drum parameters for:Tone, Overtone A & B with wave-type select freq‘, filter, freq balance, and freq‘-mod routings as well as A+B sum, noise, noise band A & B with selectable center-freq and width, pitch-shift & timestretch etc..
  • Import, export in .DS format
  • Library of drum-sounds e.g. 808, 909, acoustic …
  • VSTi for windows, linux see below
  • GNU Lesser General Public License V2


  • Originally made by Paul Kellet as a non VST Drum-Creator! (Thanks for this excellent tool)
  • Ported to a native Linux VST by Asnaghi Lucio published on Jucetice using the cross-plattform
    C++ toolkit Juce.(Nice work!)
  • Ported to a Win32 VSTi by the author.




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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