DRS0 by Wusik

DRS0 is an advanced drum machine /sampler.
  • 4 Tracks + 1 Accent Track. 32 steps + double steps for a total of 128 steps (using the AB variations).
  • 4 patterns with N loop and Next Pattern option (plus a go-to-previous-pattern option).
  • A B Variations.
  • Mirror Editing – allows both A B variations to be edited once.
  • Each track can load multiple audio sounds (wav, flac, ogg, mp3, WusikSound) with speed (pitch) and reverse option. Plus volume, pan, attack and decay.
  • Sounds can be triggered together or in Round Robin (circular) or Random (with a special code that doesn’t play the same sound in a row).
  • When loading multiple sounds, you can adjust individually the Volume and Pan of each sound, plus Velocity Low and High.
  • MIDI Output selection per track (if your host/daw supports it) with note selection (Channel 10 only).
  • Includes a great selection of sound files (be sure to download the 400 meg selection here).
  • Clock Matrix allows swing to be added to the sequencer clock.
  • Multiple Sync options and Remote Pattern Selections.
  • Resizeable interface.
  • Advanced multi-sound playback options.




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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