Dessert Audio Candy Party (Drum-N-Bass Sample Pack) NI Massive Presets WAV [FREE]


This free Drum-N-Bass Pack features assorted honey-like basses, candy-sweet synths, jelly-like vibes, and rich flavored M&M’s drums that will crack any nuts in your music bar. Join us at the candy party, we will give you a lot of emotions and sweets.

Inside the pack you will find a drum constructor, one-shots, a set of bass lines, synthesizers, FX, vocals, atmospheres.

All this is waiting for you right now.

Quantity of samples: files 197
Quality: 24 bit, 44kHz, 130 Mb
11 Atmosphere
17 Bassline
77 OneShot
15 Drum_Construction_Kits
11 Synth
11 Voice
8 NI Massive Presets



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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