Davosynth is an emulation of the vintage italian synth Davolisint.
Davolisint is a rare Italian keyboard created in 1972. There are two oscillators called VCO1 and VCO2 – but there are no waveform selection, syncing options or envelopes. So, what do we have? One Portamento and fine tune per oscillator and the heart of the synth – four sliders with vibrato effect and 7 different footings available at the same time (32′, 16′, 8′, 4′, 2′, 1′, and 1/2′). There’s also a lever called „extend“ which is an up-only pitch bend.
- 2 osc.
- VCO’s fine tune.
- 7 tones.
- Portamento.
- Vibrato.
- Delay / chorus.
- Extend pitch bend.