Fully programmable VST plugin, with Soundfont import.
A complete programming language supporting the creation of standalone VST instrument or VST filter, with almost unlimited oscillators, LFO, envelopes, effects per layer.
Conforming to the version 2.4 of the VST specification.
Instrument mode and effect/filter mode.
In instrument mode it has MIDI pre-processing step, LAYERs processing and POST processing step, with the same features of the filter mode.
Support for HOST detuning (e.g. temperaments).
Support for custom temperaments, even on DAWs without temperament support, selection with GUI, MIDI cc, VST parameter or keyswitch.
Global and per layer settings for BASE FREQUENCY, key sensitivity (KEYTRACK) and reference note
(KEYCENTER) to calculate the default frequency.
Global and per layer settings for BASE GAIN and velocity sensitivity (VELTRACK) to calculate the
default gain.
Global and per layer setting for base default filter frequency: fixed or related to the default frequency.
Global and per layer perceptual modulation of default frequency, default filter frequency and default gain by MIDI CCs with a fast mechanism.
Global and per layer settings for default perceptual LFO and/or envelope for default frequency, default gain and default filter frequency.
Global and per layer setting for default phase LFO for FM modulation.
Global and per layer setting for complex modulations of up to three MIDI CCs, modulating frequency, gain, cutoff frequency, envelopes or LFOs.
Fast functions for oscillators and filter with the default parameters.
Functions for oscillators, envelopes, LFOs and filters with full automation for behaviours not covered by the fast functions: the oscillators and effects composition is performed with a programming like language to compose in any fashion a chain of oscillators and other elements:
– oscillators with synthetized or sampled waveform,
– envelope generators with programmable shape,
– functions and mathematical operators to combine oscillators and envelopes or to calculate custom distortions,
– sample and hold, HOLD keyword,
– channels and stereo image manipulation functions,
– filters of 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 dB/octave with stereo automation,
– delays with or without feedback (filtered or unfiltered), feedforward, comb filters, ping
pong delay, for implementing chorus, flanger, phaser and custom reverb,
– fast reverb function with automatable parameters,
– wide collection of functions, like trigonometric, power and the CURVE function, for custom distortions and LUTs.
– PREV function, designed to recover the value of a variable at the preceding sample: allows to
simulate any closed loop system, linear or not, with one or more state variable (E.g. the EKS
algorithm) or to construct custom FIR or IIR filters,
– basic LABEL and IF … GOTO statements for implementing loops or conditional execution, on
sample basis.
Automation of most parameters of the full oscillators, envelopes, filters, delays: each automation can be in turn a complex expression involving oscillators, filters, distortion, envelopes, mathematical functions and operators. This can be done in unlimited deepness, so for instance an operator synthetizer style chain can be constructed, but even with sampled data and not only synth waveforms and with distortions and/or filters along the way.
MIDI CC and VST parameters (called VST VARs or variables) can be used for automation.
MIDI CC and VST parameters linking for great flexibility and DAW independence. MIDI CC linking keeps the scale of the VST VAR so to e.g. transform a linear MIDI CC into a logarithmical VST VAR.
VST filter/effect mode to write filter only programs (e.g. a reverb effect).
Filtering programs can be used also in intrument VST files as POST processing step. For this task a
collection of DELAY and FEEDBACK and FEEDFORWARD COMB filters is provided. But all functions can be used in principle in the POST step / filter mode, even oscillators.
Four SENDS channels. Extended MCCs to accumulate and access them.
Sidechaining support, through the IN keyword, that brings the input signal into the processing pipeline, allowing to use it for modulation, etc…
The plugin supports almost unlimited oscillators, filters and envelopes per layer.
Each oscillator can be based on sampled data or synthetized data.
Unison support for synthetized data, also detuned: up to 32 harmonics, also with different waveforms each, with custom phase, amplitude and frequency. Sinusoidal, square (with various smoothness), saw (with various smoothness), triangular and noise waveforms.
The oscillator data are organized in sample slots (even the synthetized one) and the slot number is automatable at trigger time.
The sample automation can be configured in such a way to write once the expression producing the sound and then changing for each layer just the sample number: SAMPLEOFF function for reducing layer count on multibanked instruments.
Samples can be looped, backward or forward or with alternate play directions, with crossfade support.
Separate release support to halve the number of layers needed if a separate release is wanted.
Full oscillators have fully automatable loop points, loop count, amplitude, frequency and phase. The phase automation can be used for a true frequency modulation, without approximation by frequency automation.
The phase for sampled data can be used for delay or skipping data (e.g. reusing a full sample for a legato layer, skipping the first part).
Combo functions with simplified oscillators or LFOs combined with simplified envelope generators, fast automation and modulation for speed reasons (about 3x faster).
Other waveforms are available, without the sample slot mechanism, but with a plain function: square wave with variable pulse width, sawtooth with asimmetric slope, and SINC.
LFOs can be created with all the mechanisms depicted above, including sampled waveform, and be processed in any way (distortion, filtering, delays etc…) before using it.
WAVETABLE function to use a waveform (no synth data) as a LUT to perform wavetable synthesis,
custom distortion, etc…
WAVESCAN and GRAINSYNTH to perform granular synthesis.
Sampled data resampling quality settings, including changing the windowing function and the number of SINC lobes, changing the quality, speed or ringing artifacts.
MIDI preprocessing step for arpeggio, chords, key mapping, randomization, quantization and velocity processing.
Polyphony limitation, legato, retrig, portamento (even polyphonic) and gliding support. Four
hold/sostenuto pedals.
Note ON triggers by key, velocity, MIDI CC, VST VAR, with round robin, first/legato and MIDI channel:
MIDI channel triggers to split different keyboards/controller to different VST instances in possibly
different tracks or in different layers.
Crossfades, groups and OFF triggers by MIDI CC, VST VAR and group value with optional forced relase for shutting down rapidly a layer.
Multiple options for the envelopes, with multiple hold times, linear or exponential or custom envelopes, with retrig at decay end, beat, or in sync.
Up to eight keyswitches support. Three type of keyswitches, with one (up), two (up/down) or multiple keys (direct selection by key).
HOLD keyword to calculate an expression only at trigger time, for speed reasons or for special effects.
Basic UI personalization: moving and resizing the sliders, combo boxes and accompaining texts.
SAMPLEUI: instruction to put up to 32 UI to let the final user of the instrument file to swap the samples of up to 32 sample slots and set also the other parameters.
SOUNDFOND 2.04 BULK file import.
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