Chromatic Instruments Pistachiotone MR-65 KONTAKT [FREE]


The Pistachiotone MR-65 is a faithful emulation of a classic mini-keyboard from 1983.

Features include:
– All 20 original tone presets each with 4 modulation variations

– All original accompaniment presets (4 bass and 4 chord)

– Additional bright versions of each bass, chord and tone preset. These were sampled separately without the filter circuit engaged

– A faithful recreation of the Fingered and Pistachio Chord auto-chord playing modes. The Fingered mode automatically picks a suitable bass note to any played chord. The Pistachio Chord mode plays Major, Minor, Dominant 7th or Minor 7th chords based on the amount of keys pressed at one time

– All 7 original rhythm one shots with seperate character, tuning and volume controls for each sample. 3 different rhythm sampler modes are available in the settings menu

– Filter and pitch modulation sections including bi-polar envelopes, multi-shaped LFOs and formant controls

– A bit crusher, saturator, stereo chorus, tape delay and digital reverb. There are two types of each effect

– A randomise button for generating unique sounds

– Over 100 presets including pads, leads, effects, retro synth sounds, chiptune effects, vintage factory presets and waveforms

– A settings menu for fine control of various parameters including individual master volume controls, filter tracking, 9 additional filter types, 3 additional formant types, velocity sensitivity, polyphonic & monophonic playing modes, transposition, fine tuning, routing controls and randomisation settings

A full version of Kontakt 6.8.0 or later is required.

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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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