Chris Liepe Vocal Menace (All-In-One Vocal Effects Processing Plugin) v1.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX Windows MacOS [FREE]


Every Voice NEEDS a Muse & a Menace!

The sound we hear from our favorite vocalists and recordings is SO MUCH MORE than just a voice! It is an artistic mixture of inspiration and sound shaping… Positioning mere vocalizations to create legendary performances and unforgettable musical moments. In order to participate with YOUR voice in this meaningful way…

You need only two things: Raw inspiration… And something to come along side you, amplifying you, distorting you, echoing you… Your Partner in Chaos… Your Megaphone… So that your creative expressions are felt simultaneously by yourself and others as adversarial and comforting. Pain and Pleasure. Conflict and Resolution.

Call and Response. Welcome to Vocal MENACE!

VOCAL MENACE is compatible with all Digital Audio Workstations
(Logic Pro, Garageband, Reaper, Pro Tools, Studio One, Cubase etc…)

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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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