Monique – Bass and Lead Synthesizer by Monoplugs

Monique – Bass and Lead Synthesizer by Monoplugs Monique is a unique synthesizer for deep basses and aggressive lead sounds. This synthesizer comes with a very special morphing feature that gives you the capabilities of up to 8 different programs in one. It’s a perfect instrument for jamming and live performances —…

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Sound Magic releases piano one free plugin instrument

piano one Piano One comes from the Yamaha C7 concert grand, a true workhorse in the professional piano world, appearing on famous concert stages, in international competitions and in prestigious music events throughout the world.   By utilizing the Sound Magic Hybrid Modelling Engine, Piano One offers both the Realistic…

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Kilohearts kHs One v1.1.23 VST AU AAX WIN OSX [FREE limited time]

Kilohearts kHs One v1.1.23 VST AU AAX WIN OSX [FREE limited time] Kilohearts is offering its software synthesizer kHs ONE as a free download. The straight-forward subtractive polyphonic synthesizer is available in VST, AU and AAX plugin formats for Windows and Mac. kHs ONE was not designed to be a…

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Surge Synth Team releases Surge v1.8.0 free plugin synth

– New skins, including the lovely “Royal Surge” skin and greatly improved Classic and Dark skins – New filters, with multiple new filter models – A complete implementation of a multi-segment envelope generator (MSEG) as a modulation source – A large number of Airwindows FX available in the FX chain…

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Bertom Audio Air Shelf free dynamic EQ plugin

Air Shelf is a plugin designed to shape your (very) high end, mostly above 10kHz. Use the Boost knob to get more highs, and the Tame knob to keep high frequency transients under control. Features : – Boost : A 1st order high shelf centred at 20kHz, fully decramped up to 21kHz, with a very smooth and gradual response. –…

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Vital Audio Vital Spectral warping wavetable synth Mac Win FREE

Vital Audio Vital Spectral warping wavetable synth Mac Win FREE Vital is a visual synthesizer. See what’s happening behind the scenes with animated controls, filter responses, waveforms, smooth LFOs, oscilloscopes, spectrograms and more. All animations run at 60 frames per second and are GPU optimized which leaves your CPU to…

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Organic Drum Loops releases free Organic Calfskin Kit VST3

Organic Drum Loops releases free Organic Calfskin Kit VST3 Organic Calfskin Kit (OCK) is an acoustic drum VST3 ROMpler plugin for both macOS and Windows designed as a comprehensive and easy-to-use solution to working with the thousands of multi-track/multi-velocity samples found at This specific plugin (version 1.0) features samples from…

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Valhalla Freq Echo v1.1.5 VST AU AAX x64 WiN MAC [FREE]

Valhalla Freq Echo v1.1.5 VST AU AAX x64 WiN MAC [FREE] Freq Echo is perfect for dub, Dr. Who, and all of your psychedelic needs. Bode-Style Frequency Shifter + Analog Echo Emulation create surprising sonic effects. Subtle chorusing and double tracking to barberpole phasing and flanging to endless glissandos and…

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OB-Xd is based on the Oberheim OB-X. It attempts to recreate its sound and behavior, but as the original was very limited in some important ways a number of things were added or altered to the original design. OB-Xd was designed to sound as good and as rich as the…

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FEAST by Reflekt Audio

FEAST by Reflekt Audio This year’s a weird one. But at least we have music production on our side. That’s why @Reflektaudio and @takibrano decided to make a free Fall Harvest VST just in time for (single :-/) household gatherings. We present you with FEAST. Packed with sounds we’ve come to recognize as staples of happy…

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U-he Zebralette v2.9.2 VST AU AAX x32 x64 WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

U-he Zebralette v2.9.2 VST AU AAX x32 x64 WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE] Zebralette: mini Zebra Zebralette is our version of a Trojan horse. A free synthesizer and an introduction to Zebra2’s fantastic oscillators. Perhaps it will persuade you to try Zebra2 and upgrade. If one oscillator is this powerful, imagine…

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B-Step Sequencer by Monoplugs

B-Step Sequencer by Monoplugs   B-Step Sequencer is a unique, powerful step sequencer plugin and standalone application for creating melodic loops, chord progressions, arpeggios, drum grooves, and basslines. B-Step Sequencer comes with an array of features like chord programming, sequencer ratcheting, shuffle, drag-n-drop, copy, MIDI learn, and much, much more. An embedded manual…

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YAVA4 by Krakli Plugins

There have been 3 previous YAVAs from Krakli. (YAVA = Yet Another Virtual Analog). The ideas behind the YAVA line is to have different Osciillator types combined with a complex routing through filters, Amps and effects, topped off with a flexible modulation matrix. YAVA4 will need time to get to…

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OpZilla FM Synthesizer by 2getheraudio

OpZilla FM Synthesizer by 2getheraudio Meet OpZilla. A monster of an FM synthesizer that towers over its competition. Let’s start with its 64 4-operator algorithms and 16 waveforms per operator. This alone yields a huge variety of sonic possibilities for your music. But we didn’t stop there. Sampled attacks, loopable…

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Full Bucket Music ModulAir synth version 1.2.0

ModulAir is a modular polyphonic software synthesizer for Microsoft Windows (VST) and Apple macOS (VST/AU) written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. ModulAir is a work in progress and as of now with only a bunch of quirky presets and a lousy documentation. I am constantly adding…

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ADSR Sounds Sample Manager v1.6.2 VST AU AXX x64 x86 WiN MAC [FREE]

ADSR Sounds Sample Manager v1.6.2 VST AU AXX x64 x86 WiN MAC [FREE] ADSR Sample Manager makes your entire sample library searchable with smart and custom tags. Preview any sample in your local library or purchased on ADSR in the context of your track (BPM and/or key synced) using MIDI…

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FORT3 [Free Edition] by Electronik Sound Lab

FORT3 [Free Edition] by Electronik Sound Lab FORT3 [Free Edition] is a Grand Piano Plugin instrument for Windows & Mac. The samples of FORT3 were recorded in November 2019 in the same session that we recorded the samples for our Atmos 2 plugin. FORT3 free contains 1 preset with the original recording and…

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