ImpulseLoaderStereo Reverb Plugin by brummer lv2 windows linux free

ImpulseLoaderStereo is a simple, stereo, IR-File loader/convolution LV2 plug. This release implement easier File switching. It’s now possible to switch the selected files via mouse wheel, via mouse button click and via keyboard up/down keys. Right mouse button click will pop up the file-list and allow to select a file…

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Leo McCormack Sparta (Spatial Audio Real Time Applications) v1.7.1 x86 x64 VST VST3 LV2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

A collection of open-source VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for producing and reproducing spatial sound scenes.Spatial Audio Real-Time Applications (SPARTA) [1]. A collection of VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for spatial audio production, reproduction and visualisation. Developed using JUCE and the Spatial_Audio_Framework. Plug-in descriptions: AmbiBIN – A binaural Ambisonic decoder (up to 10th order)…

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The Usual Suspects OsTirus (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.15 x86 x64 vsti vsti3 clap lv2 fx MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. thats official release, see their discord annoucement. Working Access Virus ROM included: Virus Ti Snow Virus TI2 Changelog: Framework: – [Imp] Patches can now be imported via drag & drop. You can drag .mid, .syx, .vstpreset, .fxb, .fxp files into the plugin to load them. You can…

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The Usual Suspects Osirus (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.15 VSTI VSTI3 AU CLAP LV2 MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. Working Access Music Virus ROM’s included! Working Access Virus ROM’s included: Virus A (v2.80) Virus B (4v9) Virus B (Ver. T) Virus C (6v5) Virus C (6v6) Virus Classic Virus GmbH – Virus B & Virus C Virus Rack XL (6v5) Changelog: Framework: –…

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The Usual Suspects Vavra (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.15 vsti vsti3 CLAP LV2 AU MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Vavra, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf microQ. Working Waldorf MicroQ ROM’s included! The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Vavra, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf microQ. Many well-known 90s virtual analog synthesizers are…

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Michael Willis Dragonfly Reverb v3.2.10 x64 VST VST3 CLAP LV2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Dragonfly Reverb is a bundle of free audio effects for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Dragonfly hall: Dragonfly Hall Reverb is a free stereo-to-stereo reverb effect. It is primarily intended for use as a concert hall reverb. It also has numerous smaller presets representing rooms, studios, and chambers. It is based…

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Zam Audio Zam Plugins Bundle v4.3 x64 VST VST3 CLAP LV2 LADSPA JACK Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

zam-plugins is a collection of LV2/LADSPA/VST/JACK audio plugins for sound processing developed in-house at ZamAudio. The default settings and almost every slider is calibrated to standard ranges. A big thankyou to falktx for writing Distrho Plugin Framework. It has enabled me to make these GUIs for zam-plugins quickly and neatly….

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DropSnorz OwlPlug ( Audio Plugin Manager) v1.26.0 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Audio plugin manager. Small tool to manage VST / AU / LV2 plugins on Windows, MacOS and Linux. OwlPlug is an audio plugin manager. It provides a complete view of your plugin setup and simple tools to manage it. OwlPlug came from my hate of installing and managing audio plugins….

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CutThroughRecordings Pop Sound Shaper v2.0.0 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

  POP Sound Shaper from Cut Through Recordings provides advanced dynamic control for your productions. Compression and a soft clipper provide emphasis while preserving transients, and set attack and release times guarantee precision. You can select the amount of compression and the threshold, as well as adjust the „Thump“ and…

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Elephant DSP Room Reverb v1.1.0 x64 – VST3 AU LV2 CLAP Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Room Reverb is a mono/stereo to stereo algorithmic reverb audio plugin with many presets that lets you add reverberation to your recordings in your DAW. Nowadays, people often record in very „dry“ places, which is good for editing the recording, but leads to an unnatural sound because the human ear…

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Stefan Westerfeld SpectMorph (Spectral Audio Morphing) v0.6.1 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

SpectMorph: spectral audio morphing SpectMorph is a free software project which allows to analyze samples of musical instruments, and to combine them (morphing). It can be used to construct hybrid sounds, for instance a sound between a trumpet and a flute; or smooth transitions, for instance a sound that starts…

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Astriid BitDOS x64 VST3 AU Win Mac Linux [FREE]

  Bit-Destruction of Sound A bit-inverting industrial distortion plugin for Windows/MacOS/Linux with VST3/AU/LV2 An 8-bit distortion that will absolutely destroy whatever sound you run into it! Click on any one of the 8 bits to invert it. Click it again and that bit will always be set to a hard…

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Klaus Scheuermann Master Me v1.2.0 x86 x64 VST VST3 CLAP LV2 AU Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Automatic mastering plugin for live streaming, podcasts and internet radio stations. master_me is a multi platform, free and open source audio plug-in which optimizes sound in live streaming situations. Introducing no latency, it takes care of master levels and ‘polishes’ the sound with a chain of effects, closely modeled after…

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Vavra Synth Plugin by The Usual Suspects x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU CLAP LV2 Windows MacOS Linux free

The DSP563 Team is happy to announce we are starting the open beta of our latest emulation, Vavra. Vavra is a plugin which supports emulation of the Waldorf Micro Q. Like Osirus, Vavra runs inside your DAW directly, and can be controlled like any normal softsynth. Past users of the Micro…

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Airwindows Consolidated v2024-05-06 (All Plugins Bundle Suite) x64 x86 VST3 AU CLAP LV2 STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

All nearly-400 Airwindows plugins For many years, I’ve built up a library of DSP effects, executed in a stripped-down, retro-friendly format that is impossibly light and efficient compared to how plugins usually are. It’s also completely overwhelming at nearly 400 plugins all with their own names (or iterations like Channel6,…

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The Usual Suspects OsTIrus (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.12 MultiOS + ROM’s x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP LV2 AU [FREE]

Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. thats official release, see their discord annoucement. Working Access Virus ROM included: Virus Ti Snow Virus TI2 Changelog: Check page for Changelog. TL;DR Snow added and finally a public release. Thanks to the DSP56300 Team! The Usual Suspects OsTIrus (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.12 Windows ROM The Usual…

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Astriid Ami-Sampler (Commodore Amiga) v0.7.1 VSTi3 AU LV2 STANDALONE LiNUX WiNDOWS MacOS [FREE]

The Commodore Amiga revolutionized the home computer when it hit the shelves in 1985. Not only sporting colourful 16-bit graphics but also boasting four channels of 8-bit sampled audio. With sample sequencing software like ProTracker and OctaMED, it was the first computer that allowed its users to record and sequence…

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The Usual Suspects Osirus (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.10 VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX CLAP LV2 MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. Working Access Music Virus ROM’s included! Working Access Virus ROM’s included: Virus A (v2.80) Virus B (4v9) Virus B (Ver. T) Virus C (6v5) Virus C (6v6) Virus Classic Virus GmbH – Virus B & Virus C Virus Rack XL (6v5) the changelog is very long and…

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The Usual Suspects Vavra (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.10 x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU CLAP LV2 MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. Working Waldorf MicroQ ROM’s included! The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Vavra, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf microQ. Many well-known 90s virtual analog synthesizers are based on the Motorola DSP5630 DSP. For example, the Access Virus series A, B, C, TI,…

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VZTec Malibu (Singletone Reverb-Tremolo Pedal) v0.1.0 VST VST3 AU LV2 CLAP LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

This is a plugin that digitally replicates the reverb-tremolo pedal Malibu from the Singletone brand. This tool allows you not only to incorporate the characteristic audio of the Malibu into your productions but also to remotely test the pedal from your home or studio. The plugin has two modes of operation….

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Surge Synth Team Stochas v1.3.10 (probabilistic polyrhythmic sequencer) VSTI3 AU CLAP LV2 AAX Standalone Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Open-source advanced probabilistic polyrhythmic sequencer plugin Stochas is at it’s core a step sequencer, which means it generates MIDI notes. As such it does not generate any sound of it’s own but can be used to sequence other plugins and/or hardware synthesizers. Although it can be used for basic step…

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Aida DSP AIDA-X (AI Amp Model Player) v1.1.0 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

AIDA-X is an Amp Model Player, allowing it to load models of AI trained music gear, which you can then play through! Its main intended use is to provide high fidelity simulations of amplifiers. However, it is also possible to run entire signal chains consisting of any combination of amp,…

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PROBABLY THE MOST VERSATILE WAVETABLE SYNTHESIZER Vaporizer2 is a hybrid wavetable additive / subtractive VST / AU / AAX / LV2 synthesizer / sampler workstation. The heart of this plugin is the alias-free versatile high-performance wavetable sound engine with low system CPU resource usage. Vaporizer2 comes with a groundbreaking wavetable…

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discoDSP OB-Xd v3.3 Free Version x64 x86 VST AU STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

OB-Xd is a classic synthesizer with a timeless sound that continues to captivate musicians and producers alike. With its rich, full-bodied tones and expansive sound design capabilities, the OB-Xd is the perfect choice for those looking to add a vintage touch to their music. Whether you’re producing electronic tracks, recording live…

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Chowdhurry DSP BYOD (Build Your Own Distortion) v1.2.0 VST VST3 AU AAX CLAP LV2 STANDALONE WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

Build-Your-Own-Distortion (BYOD) is an audio plugin that allows the user to create custom guitar effects, with a focus on guitar distortion. The plugin contains emulations of guitar distortion and tone-shaping circuits from various, along with a handful of other useful effects. BYOD supports the following desktop plugin formats: VST3, AU, CLAP,…

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Chowdhurry DSP Chow Tape Model (Analog Tape Machine) v2.11.4 VST VST3 AU AUv3 AAX CLAP LV2 STANDALONE WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

Chow Tape Model is a digital emulation of a reel-to-reel analog tape machine. The original algorithm was developed to emulate the Sony TC-260, but has since been expanded to be able to model a wide variety of tape machines. Chow Tape was originally developed as part of the Music 420…

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Strange Loops Audio gRainbow Synth v1.0.3 (incl. Presets Pack) x64 VSTi3 AU LV2 STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

An open-source, cross platform synthesizer that uses pitch detection to choose candidates for granular synthesis or sampling. gRainbow was created to overcome a few shortcomings of traditional granular synths. gRainbow prefers longer, pitch-diverse audio clips, automatically produces harmonics matched for MIDI input and avoids too much timestretching by generating harmonics that…

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Auburn Sounds Renegate v1.4 (Smooth Workhorse Gate) Free Edition VST VST3 AU AAX LV2 LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

What’s this? RENEGATE is simply just a full-band Gate plug-in. It has an always smooth, natural sound, and is quick to operate. RENEGATE radically simplifies gating. But surface-level simplicity is only possible because it’s complicated on the inside: Program-dependent hysteresis automatically captures the desired phenomenon. Builtin Look-Ahead lets you hit…

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