Michael Reichmann Circular Sequencer M4L AMXD [FREE]

Every tile on the grid represents a note which gets triggered when an agent reaches it. The tiles are also clickable. The agents start moving when the transport is on. The controls are: GRID X/Y: number of tiles on each axis of the grid (maximum of 8 each) MOTION Shape:…

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Zack Steinkamp Audio Effects M4L Bundle AMXD [FREE]

  Chiastic Slide: Smoothly crossfade between any number of child tracks in a group or chains in a preceeding Instrument Rack or Audio Effect Rack device. Allows for crazy tempo-locked layering. Chiastic Solo: Gives you a knob to control which track or chain is soloed in a group or rack….

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Zack Steinkamp Note Effects M4L Bundle AMXD [FREE]

Chord Ripper v3: Decompose chords across multiple tracks. Add the device to each track you want to feed off the chord and set the desired voice/group. Play a MIDI chord into any track containing this device, and its notes will be distributed across the tracks sharing the same group. Crisco…

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Fors Retur v1_0 Ableton Max for Live AMXD ALP FREE

Retur_Colorful Delay Capturing the spirit of our favorite old effect pedals, Retur is an intensely colorful and grungy delay effect with screeching feedback and hard-hitting echoes. The focus is all on character. There is something special about increasing the feedback on an analog delay pedal– you start to hear all…

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Wwerkk Transfer (Real Time Timbre Transfer Using RAVE Models) M4L AMXD [FREE]

Max for Live device for easy, real-time timbre transfer in Ableton Live using RAVE. RAVE is an auto-encoder, meaning that it takes sound as an input, generates sound as an output, and trained to reconstruct the incoming sounds of the dataset. This processing is based on two separate processes Requirements:…

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Slynk Duck Buddy (Sidechain Device) v1.5 M4L AMXD [FREE]

What Is Duck Buddy? This maxforlive device triggers a custom gain reduction shape when it detects a MIDI note from the selected source. Drop a Duck Buddy on your bassline and select your Drum Rack as the MIDI source. Select the Kick drum cell as your channel. Perfect sidechain! Forget using…

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