Brzoza is a 2 operator, 6 modulator FM synth. Each operator has 3 modulators each.
- 2 operators (each consists of the following):
– 4 waveforms (Sine, Saw, Triangle and Square).
– Width (Square waveform).
– Fixed or keyboard pitch.
– Octave range (32, 16, 8, 4, 2).
– Semitone (-12 to +12).
– Fine tune (-1 to +1 semitone, reset to 0 switch).
– 3 stage pitch envelope (Attack, Decay, Release and Amount).
– FM Depth (dependant on the incoming signal from the operator’s relative
– ADSR volume envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release and Amount).
– Operator pan (reset to 0 switch). - 6 Modulators, 3 per operator (each consists of the following) :
– Modulator 1
Single Sine waveform.
Fixed or keyboard pitch.
Octave range (32, 16, 8, 4, 2).
Semitone (-12 to +12).
Fine tune (-1 to +1 semitone, reset to 0 switch).
3 stage pitch envelope (Attack, Decay, Release and Amount).
FM Depth (dependant on the incoming signal from modulator 2 and 3).
1 Modulation envelope (modulator 1 sends it’s signal to operator 1 via it’s modulation envelope, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release, Amount and loop).
– Modulator 2 (as Modulator 1 with these differences)
FM Depth (dependant on the modulator 3).
2 Modulation envelopes (modulator 2 sends it’s signal to operator 1 via it’s first modulation envelope. Modulator 2 also sends it’s signal to modulator 1 via it’s second modulation envelope.).
Modulator 3 (as Modulator 1 with these differences)
3 Modulation envelopes (modulator 3 sends it’s first signal to operator 1 via it’s first modulation envelope. Modulator 3 sends it’s second signal to modulator 1 via it’s second modulation envelope. Modulator 3 then sends it’s third signal to modulator 2 via it’s third modulation envelope). - State variable Filter (Low pass, High pass, Band pass, Band reject). Cut off ADSR envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain, release, Amount and loop).
- Master Volume.
- Midi Control (Pitch bend wheel, Pitch bend range, Modulation wheel, Re-trigger, Mono mode. Left click controls for MIDI learn, unlearn and edit.
- External Modulation Matrix
– 6 Modulation slots (3 pages, with invert source signal and source to amount control).
– 5 Sources (Pitch wheel, Mod wheel, Velocity, Aftertouch, Key follow).
– 32 Destinations.
Many sounds of this track is from this Synth