Designed to sound like a 2020 radio smash, Big Drip is sure to take your vocals to the next level. Bespoke Autotune settings coupled with futuristic reverbs, spacey delays and that high end EQ gleam you’ve been searching for. Don’t sleep on this preset. Your next hit is here.
How does it work?
This preset is compatible with FL Studio 20, Logic Pro X, Ableton Live 10, Pro Tools 2020 and Presonus Studio One 5. Big Drip utilizes the stock plugins that come with your music production software and a pitch correction plugin of your choice. You can use Autotune (any version), Nectar 3, Waves Tune Real-Time, MAutoPitch or Logic Pitch. See below for the full list of compatible pitch correction plugins. We included preset files for all 5 DAWs. The presets are neatly organized into folders so that it’s easy to find the one that’s designed for your system. If you have any questions feel free to reach out through our contact page.
*Pitch Correction Plugins; Autotune Pro, Autotune 8.1, Autotune Artist, Autotune EFX, Autotune Access, Izotope Nectar 3, WavesTune Real-Time, MAutoPitch Free, or Logic Pitch Free.
– FL Studio 20
– Logic Pro X
– Ableton Live 10
– Presonus Studio One 5
– Pro Tools 2020
Leider kein Cubase oder Reaper