Bertom Audio Air Shelf free dynamic EQ plugin

Air Shelf is a plugin designed to shape your (very) high end, mostly above 10kHz. Use the Boost knob to get more highs, and the Tame knob to keep high frequency transients under control.

Features :

– Boost : A 1st order high shelf centred at 20kHz, fully decramped up to 21kHz, with a very smooth and gradual response.
– Tame
 : A mix between a very fast dynamic EQ and a transient shaper. It means that it is NOT dependant on the input signal level and, contrary to a multiband processor, there are no crossovers involved while still only affecting (very) high frequency spikes.
– Zero-latency


BertomAirShelf1.0.0_LINUX64 BertomAirShelf1.0.0_MAC BertomAirShelf1.0.0_WIN



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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