Beatsamples BeastVerb v1.0 VST3 AU WiN MAC [Free For Limited Time]


A high-end, high efficiency audio FX VST3 plugin with low-cpu usage. The Beastverb, ideally designed for Drums and Melodies, is also packed with unique top-notch features that will fit perfectly in your mixes.

High Precision Interface characterized by our signature style.
Analogue modelling inspired drive.

Unique Cut-Off filter for perfect sound shaping. Ambient freeze function that allows you to grab any section of your active reverb tail in real time. The only thing you have to bring is creativity. Beastverb’s simplicity comes in handy even in the most complex

Key Features
-Drive : Inspired by the Analogue modeling overdrive engineering with percentage (%) amount from 0-100 that engages the space with the right touch to fine your sound shape and fit it into the mix.

-Filter : Cutoff Filter on the full spectrum (20-20KHz) based on a lowpass behavior contributes to maximum creativity through live recording & mixing.

– F button : An ambient freeze function allows you to grab any section of your active reverb tail in real time and add continuous sustain. Frozen reverbs can be ideal for further processing since they are very predictable as their level does not change over time.

Operating Systems
Windows 10 or later
macOS X 10.14 or later
64bit only
You may run it on earlier versions but we don’t support them.

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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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