Distortion on steroids
Sizzle and meaty goodness – every track needs it, but it’s tough to get right without overdoing it.
Hamburger lets you tone and balance your input signal before and after saturating to dial it in to taste.
In the spirit of the waveshaping nature of the first plugin, you can also burn and annihilate your input signal very easily. Sort of like a burnt patty on the grill.
Emphasis EQ
– Apply an equalisation on the input signal, distort, then apply the opposite equalisation after.
– Decreasing or increasing the emphasis of any frequency will distort the frequency more or less respectively.
– Results in either a harder or softer form of distortion that can sound more exaggerated or more pleasant at will.
Distortion types
– Grill Distortion: Waveshaper saturation modes, with adjustable bias and wavefolding.
– Tube Distortion: Analog tube emulation with a juicy twist
– Phase Distortion: Add extra tone to everything. WARNING! Can be very loud
– Combinations of different distortion types result in a rich harmonic character.
– Other distortion types are to be added to the plugin for the release.
Dynamics (Compressor)
– Compress the audio before distorting, then expand it after.
– Compression / Expansion stages can be enabled or disabled at will.
– Provides control over distortion on transients and anything over the threshold.
– Win / Mac / Linux, VST3 / CLAP / AU
Major Changes in v0.5:
– Added frequency shifter to phase distortion signal path
– Numerous bug fixes, fixing crashes and other issues as well as improving performance
– Removing changes added for improved debugging introduced in v0.4.1
____________________________________Major Changes in v0.4.1:
– Major bugfix with loading presets upon plugin load.
– Debugging has been improved for Mac and Windows platforms for the duration of the pre-release (pre v1.0 period).
____________________________________Major Changes in v0.4:
– Rubidium Distortion mode (an extension on transformer style distortion, breaks the rules of physics)
– Matrix Distortion panel with waveshaping and morph filtering (cause it’s funny)
– Oversampling across all DSP modules (will have higher DSP load)
– Presets panel now added (with ability to save, load presets)
– Added error logging with sentry.io