Audiolatry RetroVibes 2 (Full Version) x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU RETAiL WiN MAC [Free For Limited Time]


RetroVibes is a sample-based virtual instrument plugin (ROMpler) for DAWs and other plugin hosts operating on Windows and macOS. Rompler

At its base are a series of samples captured from hardware and software sources (synths, emulators, etc). There are 71 instrument presets in total, covering a wide palette of sounds, from brasses to leads, keys to basses, pads, percussion, and so on.

All the presets were inspired by the 80s sounds and come with that retro vibe. Each preset is customizable with a set of controls such as ADSR envelope, modulation, filter, reverb, etc.

RetroVibes is available in VSTi3 64-bit Windows and VSTi3 & AU for macOS.

2 GB extracted size / 1.31 GB download size
71 presets
brasses, basses, leads, keys, synths & percs
ADSR section
filter section with cutoff
modulation section
voice mode & glide
lowpass/highpass filter cutoff
tune knob
velocity curve selector
reverb module


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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