Andreas Remshagen Live Sequencer Software for Free


This is the Sequencer-Software i made with Flowstone for my Live-Performances. It should run on every Windows-PC and is written to control Midi to CV-Devices like the Polyend Poly. It can Handle two different Devices with 8 Midi-Channels. Maybe you can use it for your own Performances. It is completely free so i dont can give a guarantee for everything. If you have the Flowstone-Software you can edit the source- code-file called FL-Sourcecode in the Zip and change the Sequencer as you like! This Sequencer works extremly stable in performance and Timing I normally work with analog sequencers but a Sequencer with the complete Functions like this Software-Sequencer would take up more space in my room than i have“





Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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