• BeatNet

Analog Obsession KolinMB v1.0 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN macOS [FREE]



Vintage limiting amplifier Kolin is multi-band, now!

KolinMB is the most colorful multi-band compressor!


– Attack: 1ms to 50ms Attack Time

– Release: 0.1sec to 3sec Release Time

– MIX: Knob to blend DRY and WET signal (Each band has its own MIX knob and also there is “MASTER MIX“ knob!)

– EXT-SC: External Sidechain for each band

– IN: 40dB gain compensated input control for each band and also, master section. You can simply set input to get compressed signal and even, you can feed all bands with “MASTER IN“ at the same time!

– OUT: +/- 20dB output control for each band and “MASTER OUTPUT“

– I/O: Bypass for each band and “MASTER SECTION“ to bypass whole plug-in

– LOW X-OVER: 50Hz to 1.2kHz

– HIGH X-OVER: 1.2kHz to 12kHz

– OS: Oversampling (4x)

– Touchscreen support

– Resizable interface. Simple „Bottom Right Corner Handle“ to resize. 50% to 200%.

*Resizing Tip: When you duplicate plug-in, it will remember current state of GUI size. But if you load new instance, it will be opened at default size. To get rid of this issue, simply follow these steps;

1. Open plug-in for the first time

2. Resize GUI according to your screen resolution or you liking before setting any knobs

3. Save this state as default preset with your DAW

Now, you will be able to load new instances with same size.

(If you want to go default size, simply double click to resize handle.)




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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