Agus Hardiman Monster Toys (Musical Toys) v1.2023.10 x64 VSTi VSTi3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Are you ready to dive into a world of musical innovation? MONSTER TOYS is here to amplify your music-making journey like never before. Get ready to explore the realm of toy instruments in your music production, all in one fantastic plugin!

MONSTER Toys Features
20 (Twenty) musical toy instruments : Rubber Duck, Crocodile Glockenspiel, Latto-Latto, Music Box, Recorder, Toy Guns, Kids Pan Flute, Pianica, Otamatone, Kazoo, Toy Whistle, Marching Band Drums, Kids Accordion, Toy Keyboard, Kalimba Thumb Piano, Baby Trumpet, Toy Piano, Casio VL-1 Pocket Synth, Toy Reed, and Kids Harmonica.
Master Volume and Pan.
Master Tuning and High Pass filter.
Attack and Release of each presets.
Global Reverb and Delay.
Most of the plugin’s parameter is ready to automate.
Small file size and light on CPU / RAM.
Future preset updates.

Monster Toys Download Links and Installation Steps

Monster Toys is a free plugin available in Windows VSTi/VSTi3 64-bit and Mac VSTi/VSTi3/AU 64-bit formats.

There’s no installer so you have to put the file manually. Read and follow these steps:

If you use Windows and Cubase, Studio One, Ableton Live, Reaper, FL Studio, Reason, etc., put the .dll file to the VST2 folder OR the .vst3 file to the VST3 folder of your DAW (If you don’t know the location, google “VST folder location windows”).
If you use Mac and Cubase, Studio One, Ableton Live, Reaper, FL Studio, Reason, etc., put the .vst file to the VST2 folder OR the .vst3 file to the VST3 folder of your DAW (If you don’t know the location, googling “VST folder location mac”).
If you use GarageBand or Logic Pro, put the .component file in the Audio Unit folder of your DAW (If you don’t know the location, google “audio unit folder location mac”).
UnZip the ‘MONSTER Toys v1’ to your harddisk in any location. You can put this Library file on an external hard drive. Don’t change the folder structure of “MONSTER Toys v1 Library”.
Fire up your DAW and load the MONSTER Toys plugin and it will ask for the location of the sound library:
Choose the “MONSTER Toys v1 Library” which you have copied on step 4.
ENJOY the plugin!


Free Download

MONSTER Toys v1-2023.10 (MAC Audio Unit)

MONSTER Toys v1-2023.10 (MAC VST2 64 bit)

MONSTER Toys v1-2023.10 (MAC VST3 64 bit)zip

MONSTER Toys v1-2023.10 (WINDOWS VST2 64 bit)

MONSTER Toys v1-2023.10 (WINDOWS VST3 64 bit)

MONSTER Toys v1 Library




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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