ike in a hardware workshop, besides the big machines, we often need little tools that may come handy, one day or another, for a specific task or just to avoid to use the big one for such a thing …
Nevertheless, this „MiniTools“ collection can complete the SpatStruments series with interesting features that, for different reasons, has not been included in them. Some are adapted from regular Acousmodules (MiniDeco, MiniKeys, MiniPass…), others are just extracted from bigger ones, but a few are totally original (underlined). They constitute a modular multichannel ecosystem which can be useful for a large variety of creative or technical tasks.
They are suitable to sounds and spaces up to 24 channels (and sometimes more…). Note that Nuendo and Studio One are currently not compatible with plugins with more than 24 channels.
They are available for Windows as VST3 and for MacOS as Audio Units and VST3. Some of them are working well in Linux with Yabridge (separated download). Mac (MX = x86 and MA = Arm) and Linux (L) compatibilities are indicated below.
MiniAdd: 24 harmonics additive synthesizer with spatialized harmonics balance and outputs (experimental!)
MiniBinoct: binauraliser for octophonic circle format only (centered), which is very common in electroacoustic music but nearly always forgotten in commercial preset based plugins. Works also for 5.1 and 7.1 formats. With KU100, Kemar and Rooms HRTF model files.
MiniCurve: SpatStruments have already some means to adjust Aftertouch sensitivity and curve, but this one may be usefull with particularly bad controllers or to obtain special gestures.
MiniDeco: subtle multichannel decorelations or massive delay effects, mono or multichannel input.
MiniDyn: 32 channels dynamic amplitude modulation, present in SpatStrument AL32.
MiniFade: amplitude spatialization basis, which doesn’t mean that it is not powerfull, but it may not be easy or fast… (up to 64 output channels).
MiniFoll: Pitch and Amplitude signal follower to animate the X/Y position and the Area Volume.
MiniFreeze: multichannel FFT spectral freezer.
MiniGest: use SpatStrument GR24’s Gesturizer and Gesture recorder with other SpatStruments and plugins! Be aware that some hosts don’t support VST3 MIDI Out. Does not work in AU version.
MiniKeys: use MIDI Notes as gates to spatialize a mono or a multichannel input to up to 24 outputs, with ADSR and arpeggiator. An interesting alternative to panners…
MiniLine: spead up to 18 inputs to up to 24 outputs, according to their position along a virtual line, it adjustable size and shape interpolation.
MiniLink: select one input channel among 32 and send it to one output among 24, all the other ones are blocked.
MiniMeta: extremely light incarnation of Audiomulch’s Metasurface, with only 4 interpolation zones and 16 parameters. Nevertheless, it can send MIDI and process 16 audio channels levels.
MiniMID: generate a few CC messages, usefull for MIDI Learn or when you need to test a control without a controller. In Reaper can also be used on an object to control and automate a plugin on the track. Does not work in AU.
MiniMix: every SpatStrument can directly or indirectly work in stereo (even if it is a shame…), but this little tool can help to downmix 24 channels spaces into stereo, with easy and false distance simulation.
MiniMon: simple, but always usefull, MIDI messages monitor, entirely based on Sasha module. Does not work in AU version.
MiniMorph: morphing between four free 16 channels spatial configuration in an up to 24 channels Periphonic space.
MiniMove: animate a multichannel sound from inside following a LFO shape and rate, from 2 to 24 channels.
MiniPass: the contrary of MiniSpat (and any panner), a band-pass/notch-like „spatial filter“. Its main purpose is to work with a multichannel input, but it can also be used with a mono input as an interesting kind of „mass diffusion tool“ together with MiniDeco.
MiniPatch: simple 24×24 wired patch, support simultaneous connexions.
MiniPatt: pattern based spatial mover for 1 to 8 inputs in a „1D“ 24 channels space.
MiniPitch: 32 channels average quality 2 octaves pitch shifter, input can be 1 to 32 channels. You can compact the 32 channels output to less with the MiniScale.
MiniRev: discrete channels FDN Hall reverb.
MiniRez: 32 channels resonator, for subtile coloring or long (in)harmonic tails, with interesting agitation modulation.
MiniRoom: poor-(wo)man WFS, or better, a multi-delay FX based on spatial positions. Room size can be defined from 5m to 1000m wide…
MiniRoute: send 24 inputs to 24 ouputs, can import and export the patch files from the SpatStrument T24.
MiniSamp: record and play an up to 24 channels sound, with multimode filter and ADSR, supports Polyphonic Aftertouch. It is also suitable for 1st to 3rd order ambisonics sounds.
MiniScale: compress the 32 channels sounds produced by SpatStrument GR24, AL24, PL32 or FX24/32 down to 1.
MiniShaper: Spatial Shaper section from most SpatStruments, 1 to 32 inputs to up to 24 outputs (without animations). It can import and export Spatial configurations files.
MiniSpat: yes, a mono input „panner“! BUT it can do things that others don’t. For instance:
MiniSplit: split a mono input into 8 frequency bands / 8 outputs, to be spatialized or sampled.
MiniTest: the SpatStrument T24 can do a lot of things, but it may be not necessary when all you need is to generate a signal.
MiniView: if you have only one screen, the very usefull peaks view of the SpatStrument T24 may take too much space. This one cannot edit the spatial configuration, only import existing ones, but it is smaller 😉
MiniVerb 24: multimode reverberation, channels are processed by two.
MiniVol: Volume and Mute by channel, plus a master Level.
– Windows: all versions, but prefer 10 or 11
– macOS: minimum 10.15 (see the note below), Intel CPU (must work with Rosetta), some VST3 versions are or will be native for ARM CPU. Be aware that graphics and performances can be VERY variable according to the OS, the plugin format and the host. Mostly: the UI can be (very) jerky, and/or some graphic elements can be missing or frozen…
– Linux is not supported but AV Linux MX Edition has Wine and Yabridge pre-installed (see this page)
– screen resolution minimum 1080p
– VST3 (Win and Mac): hosts with multichannel busses or that support multichannel routing (Ardour, Reaper, Bidule, Cantabile, Carla, DaVinci Resolve*, Element, Gig Performer, Max/Msp, MuLab, Nuendo*, Pyramix, Studio One*, Usine Hollyhock, VSTHost, Tracktion Waveform), or also for SM24, PL32, GR24 and A24, that can distribute the plugin’s outputs on several stereo busses (Ableton Live, Bitwig Studio, Cakewalk, FL Studio, Logic Pro, Samplitude, may need a special VSTI version).
– VST2 (Win): for hosts which have problems with Acousmodules‘ multichannel VST3 implementation (Sequoia…) or don’t support VST3 at all (Podium…). Sometimes performances can also be slightly better.
– Audio Unit (Mac): depending on hosts and OS version these plugins may show a slightly different behaviour than VST3, choose what suits you the best. Note that Logic Pro does not support the SpatStruments channels number.
– may possibly work in Protools Studio/Ultimate inside a AAX host wrapper like Element or Metaplugin (14/16 channels max, not tested)
– for SpatStrument SM24 a MPE controller that supports wide and sensitive three dimensional gestures 😉
– SpatStruments SM24, GR24 and AL24 are available as standalone applications thanks to SAVIHost (Windows only)
* due to channels or formats limitations, truncated or limited versions are provided for these hosts.Installation:
There is no installer for the plugins and, if they are any, the presets, so you will have to put the files by hand in the correct destinations. The plugins are viewed as folders, either with only the plugin’s name or with a vst3 or component „extension“.
In both cases never change or extract their content, just put them as they are in the destination folder.
– Windows plugins: /Programs/Common Files/VST3/AcousModules/SpatStrumentXX.vst3
– VST2 plugins can be in your usual prefered folder
– Presets: User/Documents/VST3 Presets/AcousModules
– MacOS plugins: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/SpatStrumentXX.vst3 or /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/SpatStrumentXX.component
– Presets: /Library/Audio/Presets/AcousModules (or /User/Library/Audio/Presets/AcousModules)Important note for MacOS users: the plugins are not and will not be notarized, so you may encounter installation restriction mechanisms for downloaded apps in the latest versions of the OS. Known methods should work up to MacOS 12, like https://www.wikihow.com/Install-Software-from-Unsigned-Developers-on-a-Mac, but if this is impossible, and if you don’t want to turn SIP off for more recent OS, a simple solution is to download the plugin on Windows or Linux and then transfer the file to a USB key. Sorry…
Visit the homepage for more information.