Aaron Anderson Terrain 1.1.0 VSTI3 AU CLAP WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]


Terrain is a Wave Terrain Synthesis instrument plugin
In wave terrain synthesis, a sound is produced via a 2D trajectory scanning over a 3D surface, or terrain.

Product Description:
In wave terrain synthesis, a sound is produced via a 2D trajectory scanning over a 3D surface, or terrain.
The timbre produced is dependent on the shape and parameters of the trajectory, as well as the shape of the scanned terrain.
Both Terrains and Trajectories can be modified and automated at the audio rate.
Trajectories feature a two-dimensional recursive feedback loop to create musically useful time-modulated shapes.
This version is also an Instrument Plugin, making control of plugin parameters and its usefulness as instrument greatly improved.
Terrain is a free and open source project.

Supported platforms:
MacOS, Windows, and Linux

Terrain 1.1.0
-Presets/Preset Menu Save, Rename, Delete
-Randomly generated preset button and intensity slider
-Significant code improvements
-Add pitch bend range controller
-Add CLAP support


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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