Infected Sounds 2x Nost4 Lead x64 x86 VST VST3 WiN [FREE]


2x Nost4 Lead is inspirated by the Nord Lead Synth. Its made for all kind of sounds,
such as basses, leads, pads & plucks, the synth is packed with 128 presets to make the best sounds for you,
just enjoy this freebie and start make your own analog sounds.

There are 3 banks included with 128 presets in each bank in this package!


Zoom: From -50% up to +50%.

Polyphony: Up to 20 voices polyphony.

Unison: 8x Unison for each oscillator with detune & retrig.

Preset Manager: 128 presets with (Save / Load / Save Bank / Load Bank / Copy / Paste / Init Preset).

Portamento: Portamento with (Legato / Slide).

Pitch: One master tune.

Wheels: Pitch bend & Mod Wheel with destinations.

Velocity: Amp.

Aftertouch: Aftertouch with destinations.

Envelopes: (Modifier Envelope / Amplifier envelope / Filter Envelope).

Oscillator: Two oscillators with invert wave & 48 shapes plus (Fine / Semi / Octave / Pulse/Pw / Mix Osc 1 > Osc 2).

Lfos: 2 Lfos with 48 shapes & (destinations) also speed, depth, & sync.

Lfo 3 Arpeggiator: One lfo seq with 13 shapes plus modes & also speed, depth, & sync.

Filters: (LP2 / LP / HP / BP / VOW / OFF) filter with Both 12/24 dB.
Also plus an extra Vowel filter.

Ringmod: Ring mod osc 1 & osc 2 mix.

FM: FM mod (osc 1 > osc 2).

Sync: Hard sync osc 1 > osc 2.

Noise: (White / Pink) noises.

Output: Master Volume / Limited.

Effects: (Fatner / Overdrive / Decimator / Equalizer / Phaser / Chorus / Ensemble / Reverb / Stereo).

IMPORTANT: The download is a direct download, you will need the license file to “unlock” the software.
The license file you will get when purchasing the product. The license file need to be placed into the same folder as your vst / dll.

IMPORTANT: This VST requires ‘Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013’


Windows 7, 8, 10 or higher
Intel Core 3.2Ghz or equivalent AMD CPU, 4 GB RAM
1 GB free disk space
Runs in 32-64 bit VST/VST2/VST3
Supported system: Windows 32-64 bit VST




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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