Tugrulakyuz 2RuleSynth V3 VST3 WiN MAC [FREE]

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2RuleSynth v3.0 Released
New Effect layers added as a separate window. Each effect can be connected to any other effects: Reverb, Dleay, Chorus, Phasor, Decimator, Distortion, PitchShifter, CombFilter, Vibrato, Tremolo, wiyh many parameters
GUI refinemets.
Several Bugs fixed.

2 Independent Oscillators
Waveforms: Sine, Saw, Triangle, Square, White Noise.
Controls: Waveform, Mode, Fine-Tune, Octave.
Each Oscillators has its own filter , amp and filter ADSR and LFOs
ADSR Controls: Depth, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release.
LFOs for amp, filter and pitch syncable to tempo
Ring algorithm Osc1 x Osc2
FM modulator Oscillator 1 modulates Oscillator 2.
Self resonance Moog type filter Low Pass,High Pass, Band Pass for each oscillator
Mono/Polyphonic control.
Spectrum and Wave Windows
Delay syncable to tempo
Waveshape distortion
8 note polyphonic operation.
Preset randomize button
49 factory presets (some suitable for Musique concrète)







Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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