Digi Audio Pop Pink Bass v1 x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU Win Mac [FREE]

Designed For Pop Punk / Rock Musik, Featuring the signature sound of Hafizhjoys, created to assist musicians and music producers in the creative process, making music production fast and efficient. Easy Installation (Just copy and paste) COmpatible with windows & MacOs Feature (Please Read) Downstrokes Strum : 127-120 (Velocity) Upstrokes…

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Venus Theory Auras Eraphine (Vocal Performances) FOR DECENT SAMPLER [FREE]

Stirring vocal performances. Introducing auras:eraphine, the latest release of my free instrument series – this time, reigniting one of my favorite libraries I’ve ever created. Eraphine was originally made several years back featuring stirring vocal performances from my wife recorded through premium microphones and an analog tube preamp paired with…

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Modular Samples Tezcatlipoca (Delay/Looper Effect Plugin) v0.0.2 VST3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

Imagine 8 tape recorders/delay buffers with crossfaders on both the input and output channels. This is what we have here. Sonically, it’s somewhere between a delay, looper or buffer glitcher.   Features: 8 crossfadeable sample buffers. 3 Delay modes. Clean, tape and granular. Multi-stage filter and pan. Changelog: v0.0.2 Added input…

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Big Little Bass Bass Guitar by Karoryfer SFZ WAV free

Big Little Bass is a sample library of a large hollowbody bass guitar with very heavy strings, played mostly above the 12th fret so it effectively has the string length of a bass ukulele (up to the string length of a regular guitar at the very bottom of the sampled range)….

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