• BeatNet

PG-8X 2.0 by Martin Lüders

Features: up to 12 voice polyphony Two DCO’s with Saw, Square, Pulse, Noise Hard Sync and Ring Modulation Two exponential envelop generators 24 dB resonant LP filter HP filter (3 stages) Stereo Chorus Import and Export of JX-8P Sysex data Technical information: programmed in C++ using WDL-OL optimized SSE2 code…

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Berlin Signal Tone by KLANG[Kontakt]

How to make music with sounds captured from the Berlin subway and buses? Use this KLANG and add character and atmosphere to your track. Turn it into a synthesizer-like sound or use the rhythmic ambient sounds. https://klang.cologne/_audio/audio_berlinsignaltone.mp3 https://klang.cologne/klang21_free.php?fbclid=IwAR2Ew5xUoEeiKvt-Y2Di4cIGe0U-Dk9tCCDGgYcCRtS4NmFC9_uN8IsYprg frKLA_BerlinSignalTone

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Vertigo Harmonics by KLANG[Kontakt]

Quite in the style of our symphonic taste. Flageolet strings, carefully played with a separate bow noise and an interesting wobble or chopper effect.. https://klang.cologne/_audio/audio_vertigo_harmonics.mp3 https://klang.cologne/klang21_free.php?fbclid=IwAR2Ew5xUoEeiKvt-Y2Di4cIGe0U-Dk9tCCDGgYcCRtS4NmFC9_uN8IsYprg frKLA_VertigoHarmonics  

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