Bass Guitars by[Halionsonic SE]

Bass Guitars – Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), Oscillators based instrument: Instrument interface (Instrument selector – Effects). Oscillators interface (Samples, Wavetables). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope interface (Amp env, Filter env, Pitch env, User env). LFO interface (LFO 1, LFO…

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StupidCompressor by SNFK Music

StupidCompressor by SNFK Music is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin. This plugin isn’t meant to be tweaked for hours – it’s designed with the set-and-forget mentality. StupidCompressor is designed to be stupid easy to use. It contains classic controls as well as some advanced features…

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Rift Filter Lite morphing filter effect plugin free for early adopters

Minimal Audio has released a lightweight filter effect plugin that features morph and stereo spread controls to transform your sounds with precision. Rift Filter Lite comes with intuitive pitch snapping, transposition, and MIDI tracking. Take your sounds to the next level with state-of-the-art morphing filters. Experience a whole new approach to…

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U-he Podolski v1.2.2 x64 x86 VST AU AAX WIN MACOS LiNUX [FREE]

Podolski Created in 2005 and still going strong. Podolski is a free, straightforward, CPU-efficient virtual analogue synthesizer. One oscillator, one filter, one envelope and an arpeggiator / sequencer. Simple, but with a few tricks up its sleeve. Create high quality sounds with ease. • Oscillator with variable symmetry (sawtooth to…

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DDMF phi-L Audio Tube Preamp v2.0.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

What is it? This tube preamp emulation has been developed Philipp Bulling as a thesis work. Philipp has been offering the plugin in VST format for some time on his own website. He has now moved on to new areas for some time already but didn’t want to let down…

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NA_Analog_Rack_Chorus by NEMBRINI Audio [x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC]

The Analog Rack Chorus plugin is a very simple but powerful chorus plugin inspired by the most famous Chorus pedals and rack effect units. Nembrini Audio has taken the guitarists most preferred analog and digital effect pedals and has repacked it in new rack style plugins easy to use and…

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Die Nachmittagsfrau

Sendetipp von Radio X, Ffm:

Mittwoch, 5. Mai, 15 – 16 Uhr


Heute kriegt unsere Sendung Besuch von einer etwas merkwürdigen Frau. „Die Nachmittagsfrau“ nennt sie sich, behauptet, die Redaktion zu kennen. Darum dürfe sie im Radio sprechen und genau das hat sie heute vor. Wir sind schon etwas nervös. Aber wir lassen uns drauf ein. Schließlich sind wir eine innovative Literatursendung, da darf so was mal passieren. Seid mit dabei – dann sind wir nicht so allein mit dem Unerhörten! Entfernte Ähnlichkeit hat „die Nachmittagsfrau“ übrigens mit der Bamberger Schauspielerin Rebekka Herl (s. Foto), die im Sommer – Corona willing – ein tolles Stück mit auf Tournee nimmt: Emmas Glück. Näheres erfahrt ihr hier:

Livestream des Senders:

Sawrizor Lite by Sugar Audio

Sawrizor Lite is an all-round wavetable / saw synthesizer that combines 2 high quality saw oscillators. By mixing different generators for each oscillator, resulting in a matrix of recorded and hand made audio material of the last decades and unique new saw combinations. Both units have voice unison features with detune, mix…

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Frankie Kay & Elemental Child – 天気の子 (Kind des Wetters)

Enjoy with us the story of Hina, a so-called „Sunshine Girl“, one of those girls of whom it is not known whether they really exist: Girls who possess the mysterious power to influence the whole world, including the weather, just by their will and dialogue with the gods.

Genießt mit uns die Geschichte von Hina, eines sogenannten „Sunshine Girls“, eines jener Mädchen, von denen man nicht weiß, ob es sie wirklich gibt: Mädchen, die die mysteriöse Kraft besitzen, allein durch ihren Willen und Zwiesprache mit den Göttern die ganze Welt, also auch das Wetter zu beeinflussen.


Quiet Music MagicDrum Lite free Steel Tongue Drum plugin

MagicDrum Lite is a Free multisampled Steel Tongue Drum / Tank Drum for Windows and Mac. MagicDrum Lite contains different multisampled scales originally recorded at 24-bit 96kHz and later converted to WAV 24-bit 48kHz to reduce the weight of the final plugin. This instrument has been specially designed to create…

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