• BeatNet

MTB by Matthieu Brucher[win][macos][vst][vst3][au][x86][x64]

MTB is a variation of the Boss MT2 overdrive pedal geared towards the bass. The cut frequencies for the different filters are lowered to match the bass frequencies better. As such, MTB spills less in high frequencies than MT2. Not that MT2 cannot be used for the bass if that’s the sound…

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Bam Dorner Productions – Falling Leaves

© Bam Dorner Productions 2020
Im letztem Herbst produziert
im November war ich an einem Samstag zum Spazierengehen verdammt, den ganz in der Nähe, wo ich wohne, wurde eine Weltkriegsbombe bei Bauarbeiten entdeckt und wir mussten alle unsere Wohnungen verlassen. Da Lockdown(Corona) herrschte, konnte man die zeit nicht in einem Lokal überbrücken, also bin ich in meiner Gegend rumgelaufen und habe den Speicher meines Handys vollgeknipst. Den Track hatte ich ein paar Tage vorher gemacht.
Last autumn produced
in November I was condemned to walk on a Saturday, the very near where I live, a world war bomb was discovered during construction work and we all had to leave our homes. Since Lockdown(Corona) prevailed, the time could not be bridged in a pub, so I walked around in my neighborhood and have the storage of my cell phone full. I had made the track a few days before.

FORT3 Free by Electronik Sound Lab

FORT3 (Free Edition) is a Grand piano. FORT3 free contains 1 preset with the original recording and 6 effect layers. 1 Preset. 224 Samples. HP/LP Filter. Custom Layer Reverb. 6 FX Layers. ADSR. Pan. Filter Type Selector. Catalina Support. NOT compatible with macOS Big Sur https://electroniksoundlab.com Fort3-Free_MAC_VST_VST3_AU Fort3-Free_WIN32_VST Fort3-Free_WIN64_VST

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INTRODUCTION Bionic is a “transient splicing engine”, i.e. it is designed to give detailed control over a range of parameters needed to mix and match a number of different initial transients to another set of tails/longer sounds. SOUND DESIGN POSSIBILITIES The result are Hybrid recreations of classic sounds with mostly…

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