MacPack 13 effects bundle for macOS. Free product by!

MacPack is a bundle of 13 effects exclusive for macOS! Features: – AChorus (chorus) – AFlanger (flanger) – APhaser (phaser) – MULTIPression (3 mode compressor – normal/MS/x-over plus sidechain) – Verbus (modern reverb) – EQ-XT (6-band EQ) – Konect (vocal processor) – BeatBrick (brickwall limiter) – Mage (stereo tool) –…

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Jon V Audio FirComp Win/Mac/Linux VST3/AU x64 (Free)

Clean compressor with perfect curves. A very highly regarded and praised compressor/limiter with unique and ultra clean digital envelope algorithm. FirComp is an ultra clean peak compressor/limiter with punchy attack, musical release, and optional lookahead smoothing, for tracks or busses. Zero/low latency and low CPU. Warm distortion at extreme settings….

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Polyakov (Music Society Edition) by Blue Smoke Audio[x86][win][VSTi]

Inspired by the Formanta Polivoks, produced in Soviet Russia 1982-1990 – Windows 32-bit VSTi (made with Synthedit); – mono/poly (8 voice); – 2 oscillators – tri/saw/square/pulse1/pulse2; – x-mod (osc1); – white noise; – LFO – tri/square/noise/random; – BP/LP, 12 dB/oct resonant filter (0dff) with oversampling (mono: 8x, poly: 2x); –…

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Splash Sound Kids Percussion KONTAKT [FREE]

Kid’s Percussion is a small percussion library of five children’s musical toys. Library includes: one octave steel xylophone, tambourine, wooden shaker, castanets and maracas. All toys are recorded on the triple condenser stereo microphone with „A“ class preamp. This library is perfect for positive kid’s music and other bright acoustic…

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Dom Sigalas Modern 80’s Kit – for HALion Sonic SE (FREE for Limited Time)

Dom Sigalas has announced the release of Modern 80’s Kit, a new virtual instrument for HALion, HALion Sonic, and/or the free HALion Sonic SE. The developer says this ready to go 80’s drum kit comes with all the controls you need for modern productions infused with that 80’s sound. Features…

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GSi Easy Convolver free Convolution VST Plugin for Windows and Linux

GSi Easy Convolver is a freeware plugin for Windows and Linux. It can perform convolution of any WAV file, typically Impulse Responses of reverbs, amplifiers, filters or other audio gear. This software is based on the FFTConvolver library by HiFi-LoFi and uses threads for the fastest possible processing. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS EasyConvolver is available in…

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HarmonicBoost by ChromaDSP

Polyphonic pitch tracking to boost the signal with harmonically matching content. Real-time synthesis of octave and interval shifts. Separate interval controls for left and right channel to enhance the stereo field. Smoothing control regulates the compromise of tracking speed and accuracy. Dropdown menu to compensate tracking latency and report it…

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Flux Mini by Caelum Audio

Flux Mini is an audio effect that adds life, character and dynamism to your tracks. The customisable graph creates a shape which affects either the amplitude, low-pass filter or high-pass filter. You can emphasise the frequency modulation with the resonance knob too. Pre-loaded with 20 presets to get you going,…

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DX7 Electric Piano by

DX7 Electric Piano features: Instrument Interface (Headroom). VOICE Management Interface – Unison, Glide, Audiowarp, Pitch. FILTER Section Interface – Filter types X-Y Pad. ENVELOPE Interface – Amp, Filter, Pitch, User envelopes. LFO Interface – LFO 1, LFO 2. MODULATION Matrix Interface. EFFECT Interface (EQ, Comp, Reverb, Delay). ARPEGGIATOR – RECORDER Interface….

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Bam Dorner – Missing Lights

Style: New Age/World
BPM: 60
Instrumente: VB1, Spectror, Mystik, Flute und als Besonderheit eine Hu-Lu-Si aus China

Die Hu-Lu-Si ist kein Doppelrohrblattinstrument sondern erzeugt die Töne über metallene Durchschlagzungen wie bei einer Mundharmonika.
Über eine Kalebasse, welche als Windkammer dient, werden zwei Pfeifen angeblasen. Die mittlere Pfeife ist als Melodiepfeife mit Fingerlöchern versehen, eine seitliche Pfeife klingt als Bordunton mit.
Die Metallzungen erzeugen weiche vibrierende Töne, ähnlich einer Mundorgel.
In verschiedenen Tonarten erhältlich.

Bam Dorner – Quiet City – Album

© bam-dorner-productions 2020

War am Ostersonntag bei mir im Bezirk spazieren. Es ist erschreckend, wie leer die Straßen, dank Covid-19, sind. auf der anderen Seite ist auch Reizvoll. Dank der wenigen Autos, die unterwegs sind, ist die Luft sehr sauber.

Took a walk with me in my district on Easter Sunday. It’s scary how empty the streets are, thanks to Covid-19. On the other hand, it’s charming. Thanks to the few cars on the road, the air is very clean.

Zum Track. Ist in 13/8 Metric und ist recht lang geworden. sorry

To the track. Is in 13/8 Metric and has become quite long. sorry

April 2020 erster Lockdown

Quiet City in Spring – Long Version

Shorter Version

November – Lockdown Light(2. Lockdown)

Quiet City in Autmn(AmbientWave 2020)

Dezember 2020

Quiet City in Winter – Hard Lockdown

Gut Wirt

An dem Tag, an dem eine befreundete Künstlerin mir erzählt, dass das Bild, das ich so bewundert habe, von ihrer siebenjährigen Tochter gemalt wurde (auch noch einer Bob-Ross-Schülerin – die braucht ihren Lehrer nicht mehr!), an dem Tag malt ein sechsjähriges Mädchen das vor meine Füße, weil ihre vierjährige Schwester es unbedingt will. Schnell hingehen muss, wer das Werk noch vor dem nächsten Regen oder Schnee sehen will: Schlosshof Langenselbold.

Langenselbold unter Wasser

Auf der gleichen Höhe zwei Kilometer weiter guckst du über den Versuch verschiedener Bäche und des südhessischen Flusses Kinzig ein Weltmeer zu werden. Alles ist eins geworden. Keine Landansprüche zwischen den hundert Seen und Strömungen haben länger Bestand. Drei Wege östlich raus aus Langenselbold ins Kinzigtal, das sich hinter dem Ort öffnet, führen durch Senken, in denen das Wasser kniehoch steht auf 80 bis 250 Metern. Führen in ein neues Flussdelta. Führen zu Music-Society und zu den sich verzweigenden Texten der Kategorie „Literatur“.

The SINE Player by Orchestral Tools

The SINE Player The new player for your favorite instruments. With the SINE Player’s innovative features, managing instrument collections becomes easier, flexible, and more musical. Download free at: So, why SINE? With SINE using sample libraries is easier, more flexible, and more musical. Easier, because it’s all in one place:…

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Tiny Comp by EXE Consulting

  Compressor pedal emulator with compression, expansion, limiting, and gate modes. Has sidechain capability for ducking compression from sidechain signal, and sidechain signal can be filtered before application to allow a selected peak frequency with a selected Q to be used for compression. Single channel, Left or Right. The GUI…

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SynthMaster Player is a simplied version of SynthMaster with limited editing capabilities. It is targeted towards users who prefer to use presets rather than designing their own sounds. It comes with 1800 factory presets. Users can edit the 12 easy parameters or the bypass states of layer/global effects assigned for each…

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